Printing and Exporting Data in JustDo

Printing and Exporting Data in JustDo

JustDo allows stakeholders to view and manage projects, but you might need to print or export data for presentations, external platforms, or further analysis in Excel.

Access these options by clicking the printer icon on the topbar.


Print JustDo:

Print or export tasks from the current view.

  • Entire JustDo: Prints/exports all tasks in the view, ignoring filters and expand/collapse settings.
  • Visible Tasks: Prints/exports only the tasks currently displayed, considering active filters and expand/collapse settings.

Print Current Task:

These options appear when a task is selected.

  • All Child Tasks: Prints/exports the selected task and all its child tasks, ignoring filters and expand/collapse settings.
  • Visible Child Tasks: Prints/exports the selected task and only its visible child tasks, considering active filters and expand/collapse settings.

Download as PNG:

Use this option to capture the entire grid view, including graphics, in a single PNG file. You can then crop and split the image as needed for presentations or reports.

JustDo Time Tracker:

Available when the Time Tracker extension is enabled. Refer to How to Plan and Track working hours? for details.

Print and Export Options in Preview:

When using "Print JustDo" or "Print Current task" options, a preview appears with a toolbar at the bottom.


  • Print: Opens the printer control screen for printing or saving as PDF.
  • Export: Exports data to a CSV file.
  • Controlling Columns: By default, the printed/exported columns match the grid view. Click the settings button to customize this. Select or deselect columns using checkboxes.
  • print_settings.jpg