Sharing Tasks with Project Members in JustDo

Sharing Tasks with Project Members in JustDo

To collaborate and share task information with other JustDo members, you need to explicitly share those tasks. When you invite a new member to a JustDo workspace, they won't see any tasks until you share them.


Steps to Share Tasks with JustDo Members:

  1. Select the task you want to share.
  2. Open the "Edit task members" pane from either the Details tab of the Task Pane or the link at the bottom of the Transfer ownership dialog.
  3. edit_members.jpg

  4. In the Edit Task Members dialog, select the members you want to add to (or remove from) the task and click the save button.
  5. adding_members.jpg

The selected members will immediately have full access to the selected task and all its subtasks.