Configuring Workdays & Holidays in JustDo

Configuring Workdays & Holidays in JustDo

Admins can configure workdays, work hours, and holidays in JustDo after enabling the Calendar extension via "Configure this JustDo" under the settings button.

Admins can configure these settings for the entire JustDo platform or specific users, while members and guests can configure their own settings.

To configure for the entire JustDo, click "Set Workdays" under the settings button:


Note: Configuring workdays and hours for the entire JustDo is also enabled when the Gantt extension is turned on.

You can define different workdays, work hours, and additional holidays for specific users in the Calendar view by clicking the clock icon on the user's name:


In both options, you can enter dates as discrete dates or as a range of dates. Ranges will be converted to a list of discrete dates by the platform.

Example of a valid date sequence:

2022-09-01, 2022-09-25--2022-09-27, 2022-10-04--2022-10-05, 2022-10-09

Status Indicator:

The status indicator column shows if a task's delivery date might be impacted by company-wide holidays or personal time off. "Holiday" indicates a company-wide holiday within the task's duration, and "Leave" indicates personal time off for the task owner within the task's duration.