Using Gantt Dependencies in JustDo

Using Gantt Dependencies in JustDo

When building your project structure in JustDo, you can easily map dependencies between tasks, groups of tasks, or even projects at any level of hierarchy.

You can indicate dependencies graphically by dragging the circle at the beginning/end of a task on the Gantt chart to the beginning/end of its dependent task, or by entering the task ID in the "Predecessors" field. When a task's schedule changes, its dependent tasks are automatically rescheduled.

Dependency Types:

JustDo supports all dependency types, with Finish-to-Start as the default. If no letters are added to the task ID, it's considered Finish-to-Start. To define dependencies by dragging on the Gantt chart, always start with the predecessor's circle and end with the dependent task.

  • Finish-to-Start (FS): Task B can only start after task A finishes. This is the default type. Implement by dragging the circle at the end of task A to the beginning of task B or entering task A's ID in task B's predecessor column.
  • Start-to-Finish (SF): Task D can only finish after task C starts. Implement by dragging the circle at the beginning of task C to the end of task D or entering task C's ID followed by "SF" in task D's predecessor column.
  • Finish-to-Finish (FF): Task C can only finish after task B finishes. Implement by dragging the circle at the end of task B to the end of task C or entering task B's ID followed by "FF" in task C's predecessor column.
  • Start-to-Start (SS): Task E can only start after task D starts. Implement by dragging the circle at the beginning of task D to the beginning of task E or entering task D's ID followed by "SS" in task E's predecessor column.


Dependencies Tab of Task Pane:

The "Dependencies" tab in the task pane displays the predecessors and successors of the selected task.


Lags and Leads:

You can define lags (positive or negative) between tasks. A positive lag means a task can only start X days/weeks after its predecessor ends (e.g., 10FS+3d for a 3-day lag). A negative lag (lead) means a task can start before its predecessor ends (e.g., 412FS-2d for a 2-day lead). Lags are supported for all dependency types.

Dependencies Tab of the Lower Pane:

The Dependencies tab in the lower pane shows tasks you own that are blocking others and tasks that are blocking your tasks. When all dependencies of a task are completed ("Done" state), the task owner receives a chat notification: "All dependencies are fulfilled. You can start working on this task."

Clickable IDs:

For quick navigation and predecessor entry, both the predecessor ID in the predecessors column and the task ID at the top of the task pane are clickable.
