Using the Gantt Chart in JustDo

Using the Gantt Chart in JustDo: A Guide

Gantt charts are a powerful tool for visualizing project timelines. JustDo's Gantt provides the functionality you need to manage projects effectively.


Track project progress using the Current date line (green vertical line). Adjust the Gantt's column width and viewing area using the +/- buttons and by dragging the column content area. Use the buttons at the top right to jump to the selected task's date or today's date.


It's recommended to use the Gantt in the zoom-in view of a specific project or sub-project.

To print the Gantt chart, use the "Download as PNG" option in the print menu.



An Admin needs to enable the "Gantt" extension in "Configure this JustDo" under the settings button. This replaces the old Gantt Charts, Grid Gantt, Dependencies, and Task Duration Field extensions.

Enabling the Gantt extension adds the following:

  1. Additional Grid Columns:
    1. Gantt: Graphical representation of the Gantt chart.
    2. Duration: Task duration in working days.
    3. Gantt Milestone: Indicates if a task is a milestone (can be set manually or via the context menu).
    4. Predecessors: Task IDs that must end before this task can start.
    5. Frozen: Indicates if a task is manually scheduled and won't move based on dependencies (can be set manually or via the context menu).
    6. % Complete: Percentage of task completion (can be edited manually or automatically set to 100% when the task is "Done").
    7. Baseline Columns (available when a baseline is selected):
      1. Basket Start Date: Earliest start date of any child task.
      2. Basket End Date: Latest end date of any child task.
      3. Baseline Start Date: Task's start date based on the selected baseline.
      4. Baseline End Date: Task's end date based on the selected baseline.
  2. "Dependencies" Tab in Task Pane: Shows the selected task's predecessors and successors.
  3. Additional Tabs in Lower Pane:
    1. Dependencies: Lists tasks you can start working on, tasks blocking other tasks, and tasks blocked by other tasks.
    2. Baselines: Lists available baselines, allows selecting and deleting baselines.
  4. Gantt Section in Context Menu: Options to set a task as a milestone, freeze its dates, and save/display a baseline (right-click on a task).
  5. "Set Working Days" Option in Settings Menu: Configure JustDo's workdays, work hours, and holidays. To set specific workdays/hours/holidays for individuals, enable the "Calendar" extension.

Planning with the Gantt:

The Gantt displays tasks as boxes with start and end dates. Reschedule tasks by changing dates in the grid or dragging them on the Gantt. Parent tasks (baskets) are shown as wider blue boxes (or red if on the critical path). Basket start/end dates are calculated automatically based on child tasks or can be set manually. Tooltips indicate displayed dates and additional dates if manually set.


The duration field represents task duration in working days. Entering the start date and duration calculates the end date, and vice versa. JustDo considers workdays/holidays for the entire workspace and the task owner when calculating the end date.

Mark tasks as milestones using the context menu or by setting the "Milestone" field to "yes". Milestones have zero duration, are displayed as diamonds, and highlight tasks on the critical path in red. Each task can have a due date (deadline), indicated by a down arrow on the Gantt.

Define dependencies graphically or using the "Predecessors" column. See Gantt Dependencies for details on dependency types and options. Dependent tasks are rescheduled automatically when a task's schedule changes.


The "Dependencies" tab in the task pane shows the selected task's predecessors and successors.


The Dependencies tab in the lower pane shows tasks you own that are blocking others and tasks blocking your tasks. Task owners receive chat notifications when all dependencies are fulfilled.

Freeze tasks with external commitments to prevent automatic rescheduling based on dependencies. Use the context menu or set the "Frozen" field to "yes". Critical path tasks (tasks that delay milestones if they finish late) are marked in red. Hovering over them shows the milestone IDs they are critical for. It's recommended to have a "Project end" milestone to identify the project's critical path.


Tracking Progress with the Gantt:

Use the state field to track task stages (Pending, In-progress, Done, etc.). The % Complete field and column track task progress (0-100%). Manually enter the percentage or set the task to "Done" to automatically update it to 100%. The completion percentage is shown as a black line within the task box on the Gantt. Use the completion indication and current date line to identify tasks that are on schedule, delayed, or ahead of schedule.


Use the Baseline feature to compare the original project schedule with the current schedule. Save the current schedule as a baseline with a specific name (e.g., "Q1 2024 Baseline"). Baselines are displayed as gray lines under the current schedule on the Gantt.


To save a baseline, right-click a task and select "Save a Baseline" from the context menu. An anchor icon appears on the Gantt for tasks with saved baselines. To display a baseline, use the "Display a Baseline" option in the context menu. The "Baselines" tab in the lower pane allows viewing, renaming, and selecting baselines. Only the creator or an Admin can delete a baseline.