MailDo: Integrate Email & Streamline Communication in JustDo

MailDo - Email Integration

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MailDo, JustDo's powerful email integration, connects your inbox with your tasks, streamlining communication and ensuring no critical information slips through the cracks.

Key Features:

  • Email-to-Task Conversion: Turn emails into actionable tasks with a single click, keeping your projects organized and on track.
  • Task-Specific Emails: Send emails directly to tasks, centralizing all communication and providing context for future reference.
  • Email Commenting: Reply to task-related emails to automatically add your response as a comment within JustDo, keeping everyone in the loop without switching between platforms.
  • File Attachment Handling: Email attachments seamlessly become task attachments, providing easy access to relevant documents and files.


  • Streamlined Workflow: Manage emails and tasks in one place, saving time and reducing context switching.
  • Centralized Communication: Keep all project-related conversations organized and accessible within JustDo.
  • Improved Collaboration: Enhance team communication and transparency by keeping everyone informed about task-related emails.
  • Reduced Email Clutter: Minimize inbox chaos by converting emails into actionable tasks within JustDo.
Experience seamless email integration with MailDo and elevate your project management efficiency in JustDo.


Version: 1.0


Company: JustDo, Inc.
