Rows Styling: Highlight Tasks & Improve Organization

Rows Styling

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The Rows Styling plugin for JustDo enhances visual clarity and organization by allowing you to apply custom text formatting to task rows. Highlight critical tasks, visually categorize projects, or simply improve the overall readability of your JustDo boards.


  • Enhanced Visual Clarity: Make important tasks stand out by using bold, italics, underlining, or a combination of styles.
  • Improved Organization: Visually group related tasks or projects by applying consistent formatting.
  • Increased Readability: Enhance the overall readability of your JustDo boards, especially when dealing with a large number of tasks.
  • Easy Customization: Apply text formatting with a single click, making it simple to customize your task view.

Use Cases:
  • Highlight high-priority tasks or tasks approaching deadlines.
  • Visually distinguish between different project phases or categories.
  • Improve readability by emphasizing key information within task titles or descriptions.
The Rows Styling plugin adds a simple yet powerful visual layer to JustDo, making it easier than ever to manage and organize your tasks effectively.


Version: 1.0


Company: JustDo, Inc.
